What is ADHD?

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based, biological disorder, that is likely genetic (based on research).

  • It is considered one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders and generally associated with symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention and/or impulsivity.

  • Many in the field consider the term ADHD inaccurate. ADHDers
    don’t have an attention deficit, but an overabundance thereof,
    and struggle to control it.

  • Dr. Edward Hallowell proposes a new term to replace it: VAST,
    or Variable Attention Stimulus Trait. He explains it as: “It’s not a
    deficit of anything, it’s an abundance,” he says, “It’s not a disorder
    of anything, it’s a trait.”


ADHD Myths

  • ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder

  • A farce created by drug companies

  • Caused by bad parenting

  • It only affects boys

  • ADHD is a childhood affliction

  • Having it, isn’t that serious & doesn’t cause the person harm

  • People with it are stupid and lazy and unmotivated


ADHD Truths

  • Recognized by NIH, CDC APA as legitimate

  • First Diagnosed in the1800’s, before modern medicine

  • The issue lies in brain chemistry, not discipline

  • Girls are just as likely to have it

  • ADHD is chronic, it does not go away with age

  • Research has shown, untreated ADHD can have serious implications

  • High achieving ADHD’ers like Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Michael Jordan and Justin Timberlake debunk that


3 Types of ADHD

Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

  • Constantly needs to move, Energizer bunny

  • Fidgets, taps, squirms, struggles to sit still

  • Talks excessively, interrupts, blurts out answers

  • Struggles with self control, difficulty waiting turn

Inattentive Type

  • Difficulty with focus, attention & following instructions

  • Seems not to listen, daydreaming, forgetful

  • Struggles organizing tasks, activities, materials

  • Easily distracted by external stimuli & loses things

Combined Type

  • Exhibits 6 of 9 symptoms listed for each sub-type



Untreated ADHD results in a lack of self-regulation, which can adversely affect every aspect of life and lead to the following:

  • Shorter life expectancy on average 9-13 years

  • Poor dental hygiene, with high incidence of teeth issues

  • Substance use, misuse and dependance (addiction)

  • Eating disorders, binge eating and impulse eating

  • Lower rates of physical activity and exercise

  • Higher incidence of health issues due to poor self care