What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based, biological disorder, that is likely genetic (based on research).
It is considered one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders and generally associated with symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention and/or impulsivity.
Many in the field consider the term ADHD inaccurate. ADHDers
don’t have an attention deficit, but an overabundance thereof,
and struggle to control it.Dr. Edward Hallowell proposes a new term to replace it: VAST,
or Variable Attention Stimulus Trait. He explains it as: “It’s not a
deficit of anything, it’s an abundance,” he says, “It’s not a disorder
of anything, it’s a trait.”
ADHD Myths
ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder
A farce created by drug companies
Caused by bad parenting
It only affects boys
ADHD is a childhood affliction
Having it, isn’t that serious & doesn’t cause the person harm
People with it are stupid and lazy and unmotivated
ADHD Truths
Recognized by NIH, CDC APA as legitimate
First Diagnosed in the1800’s, before modern medicine
The issue lies in brain chemistry, not discipline
Girls are just as likely to have it
ADHD is chronic, it does not go away with age
Research has shown, untreated ADHD can have serious implications
High achieving ADHD’ers like Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Michael Jordan and Justin Timberlake debunk that
3 Types of ADHD
Hyperactive-Impulsive Type
Constantly needs to move, Energizer bunny
Fidgets, taps, squirms, struggles to sit still
Talks excessively, interrupts, blurts out answers
Struggles with self control, difficulty waiting turn
Inattentive Type
Difficulty with focus, attention & following instructions
Seems not to listen, daydreaming, forgetful
Struggles organizing tasks, activities, materials
Easily distracted by external stimuli & loses things
Combined Type
Exhibits 6 of 9 symptoms listed for each sub-type
Untreated ADHD results in a lack of self-regulation, which can adversely affect every aspect of life and lead to the following:
Shorter life expectancy on average 9-13 years
Poor dental hygiene, with high incidence of teeth issues
Substance use, misuse and dependance (addiction)
Eating disorders, binge eating and impulse eating
Lower rates of physical activity and exercise
Higher incidence of health issues due to poor self care